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Discover Our Innovative Exhibition Stand Designs

Discover Our Innovative Exhibition Stand Designs

Exhibition stands are available in different styles, types and sizes depending on the exhibitor’s needs and pocket. Shell Scheme Stands are one of the most affordable solutions, accompanied by built-in structures, and Pop-Up Stands are designed for individuals who often travel with their booths. Modular stands fit into the range of flexible types of booths and stands in terms of configurations and customization. If you want to have something truly exceptional, custom-built stands are the options that do not have any limits regarding creativity. Double-decker stands optimise height, which is ideal for making an impact in high-profile locations. Named the Island stands, it is a structure that is open on all sides and offers a welcoming look. Corner Stands make the best use of this advantage in order to capture the attention of the event’s attendees. At the same time, Pavilion Stands are useful for exhibiting several brands or products in one hall.

It would help if you did not hesitate to use outdoor stands for outdoor events, which can involve experiencing different types of weather. Lastly, Portable Stands are suitable for small areas or if the exhibitor wants to spend less. So, choosing the proper kind of stand is only possible if you find the right one that will enhance your brand and attract more people to the exhibition.
The inclusion of company culture in the stand design gives the consumers a chance to embrace and relate to your company’s creed and tone, giving the design depth and widening brand awareness.

Shell Scheme Stands

Shell scheme booths for the exhibitors who don’t want to or cannot build their stands serve as one of the best options. Shell scheme stands are useful exhibits that make a good impression at exhibitions; adding character also depends on excellent graphic designs that can effectively publicize a company and its messages on the stand and within the space available. Other additions that could complement a shell scheme booth are the Lightboxes containing the Company’s brand and corporate colours, Flags, and Bunting containing the Company’s name. If anything is branded, it will make the booth more appealing to the visitors and make them stop, interact with you and ask questions.

Pop-Up Stands

It is, therefore, important to have the right stand type that can fit the objectives of the show you have in mind. When deciding which stand will meet those goals, think carefully. Pop-up stands are easy to dismantle and move around, which is convenient for exhibitors who attend more than one trade show in a year. They also have other features such as lights, monitor holders, and shelves.
Peninsula stands are one of the best methods for every exhibitor to draw attention to both sides of the aisle, which is normally in between two halls. Thus, these positions enable exhibitors to interact with attendees while creating awareness.

Modular Stands

Your show stand is, in fact, one of the success factors of your show. Here, society can hear the story of your brand and be impressed by it. Whether a company is entering new markets with its products or redesigning image campaigns, the construction has to reflect this. Custom stands are expensive for any business, especially those in low-budget marketing, while modular stands are cheap and can be used by adjusting sizes and shapes.
These light, easy-to-construct stands take little time to erect and are easy to dismantle and pack back into their respective cases for portability and transport, reducing exhibition-related transportation costs while providing the versatility of moving from one exhibition to the other. They’re useful for a company that will be holding a stall in more than one tradeshow at the same time.

Custom-Built Stands

As the names suggest, these designed and developed customized stands focus on engaging the customers and can be dramatic at exhibitions. They are perfect for any firm that needs something that would make it easily noticeable when situated in an exhibition hall. Multi-level stands are usually intended for use at large-scale events, and those stakeholders are eager to be seen and be noticed. The stands often employ new components and, therefore, are costlier than the rest.
The stand that suits your business and the manner in which it will be used should point to the right type of stand to choose. The greatest single achievement of the stands is to provide a simple and unified approach that is easily understood by its target market, engage them and foster the construction of a good rapport. They also consider usability and architecture in order that visitors can get exactly what they are hunting for effortlessly.

Double-Decker Stands

Location choice is a central aspect taken when approaching a stand since it informs the perception of your brand and products, making it easier for your brand to convey its values and beliefs, thus having a heightened audience acceptance.
A good stand entails professionalism and confidence to the visitors and creates an impression that your firm’s organization is a suitable business partner. A distinctive stand can also pull customers and partners towards you, thus increasing either sales or the number of partnerships.
An exhibition stand on two floors can positively contribute to the crafting of an interesting brand narrative to be associated with, as well as make a lasting impression on the attendees. Besides, it features a doubled display area without occupying double its space and, therefore, can be employed for massive events and prestigious exhibitions. Since it allows the company to select a range of products or services to present to consumers, it is ideally suited for businesses that deal in a range of products.

Island Stand

Cooped between the two boundless expanse of waters, the island was unyielding as it faced untamed sea that rose and crashed against the island’s shores. This island wasn’t very big, but it contained everything needed: a world in this small space and a place for solace. There were tall palms that rose up gracefully to the sky, and the rustling sound originating from the moving fronds seemed like the trees were conversing with one another. The sand was yellow, warm to the touch and went on for a tremendous distance in a beautiful golden curve that enveloped the island. This enclosed oasis was an important part of this story because it was here, located in the very heart of this area, where a stand as old as years and weathered by it stood. Constructed by a man who was the sole resident of the island in order to escape the turmoil of the world, it was the workplace and the home of the man. From this stand, he would chisel out designs on some pieces of driftwood and make artwork showcasing the story of the island and how serene it was. The island and its stand represent the concept that solitude, creativity, and the spirit of a man who wins thanks to the ability to accept nature remain inviolable.

Corner Stands

It is imperative to know different stand types because they are intended to fulfil various job showcases. The selection of the booth type should be in line with the objectives and floats and the interaction with the visitors they wish to have. Linear stands are perfect for a company that is looking to market itself within a delimited area. They are straight-line designs with a very consistent look and feel in terms of design graphics; they additionally provide a large deal of space for logo development, product shows, and ’meet and greet’ spaces to approach prospective clients.
A row stand is made of several stands side by side, which are closely connected with a common wall. One side is open and faces the hallway. They can be customized with flooring, wall panelling and exhibition Graphics that are in line with your company’s corporate logo. They can also be built using individual portable structures with a variation of modular designs, all on a shell scheme design and construction. This is a cheap way of using several options in the display of the content or materials to the users. However, they must do so in harmony with perfect structure and graphics.

Pavilion Stands

As the name implies, pavilion stands are walk-through formations forming a larger hallway. In most cases, the area is limited, and it is located along with other exhibitors, not a single booth. This type of stand requires the attention of your personnel to a greater extent as the visitors are likely to walk through it.
This is why it is very important to hire a professional exhibition builder who will assist you in designing a stand that will make your brand recognizable and attract as many prospects as possible. Also, a legit booth builder will be clear about the charges and service outlets to help you achieve tangible value for your money. The most important consideration that you must make when selecting the stand type is how much you are willing to spend. Other factors include how often your show is, the location where your show is located and the extent of the available floor space. You need to consult with your booth builder before making such choices since they understand the layout best.

Outdoor Stands

When you decide on an outdoor location for your exhibition, it becomes important to select an exhibition stand style that the climatic conditions will allow and that will effectively pass your intended information across. There is no right solution, and most of the decisions depend on the amount of money you are willing to spend and the level of interaction you want to have with the audience during the event. The pop-up stand is easy to erect and quite cheap when compared to the other types of stands. On the other hand, modular exhibition stands are portable, and they are fitted with frames that can be adjusted in different areas. Shell scheme stands are very cheap and come with a smooth and neat surface that needs very little dressing with graphics. They are also suitable for companies that participate in many events to avoid the high cost of construction stands. As for the types of stands, there are such interesting ones as double-decker and peninsula stands where you can achieve the maximum number of floor areas and design an interesting zone of interaction. These are ideal for organizations that have something that they want to sell that would generate much interest from all corners.

Portable Stands

These booths are different from the specifically constructed stands; they have aluminium frames and fabric fixed on all exposed parts. This makes it easier to assemble them as compared to metallic casings since the two main types of casings are used in assembling electronic products. They are best suited for the exhibitors who have planned limited budgets for advertisement. Such a stand presents a number of opportunities that enable one to communicate with the visitors and ensure that the latter feel comfortable during their time at the stand. They can offer seating accommodation, food and beverages, power charging points, and distribution of marketing literature, as well as enhance the prospect experience, visibility of brand identity, and improved conversion rate. They are also portable products, meaning that they are lightweight and easy to carry. They come in compact sizes and are collapsible for easy storage in a small carry bag; hence, they can easily be transported to the venue. They are also relatively cheaper than a stand tailor-made for the booth. However, they are not modular as they stand and have few opportunities for audiovisuals and product demonstrations. It is a good type of stand for beginners who want to get a start in the exhibition business. However, what they offer could be more suitable for corporate entities, those that wish to feature in as many shows as possible.